A new tool to interactively explore and reveal the detailed organization of the microanatomy of pyramidal neurons.
For a full list of past projects you can follow this link
A new tool to interactively explore and reveal the detailed organization of the microanatomy of pyramidal neurons.
NeuroScheme is a tool that allows users to navigate through circuit data at different levels of abstraction using schematic representations.
MSPViz is a new tool for for the analisys of structural plasticity models using abstract levels and a set of views composed by schematic representations on each level.
NeuroTessMesh / NeuroLOTs is a set of tools and libraries that allow creating neuronal meshes from a minimal skeletal description.
ViSimpl integrates a set of visualization and interaction tools that provide a multi-view visual analysis of brain simultation data.
MeLVin is a web-based tool that integrates a meta-descriptive language and a visual environment for coordinated view application design.
ClInt Explorer is an application that uses supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to cluster neurobiological dataset.
Vishnu tool provides information integration and storage from multiple sources, specimens and scales. Vishnu provides an interface to query, filter and extract the stored data to be explored with the integrated analysis applications: DC Explorer, Pyramidal Explorer and ClInt Explorer.
This simulator provides a safe environment where the procedure can be rehearsed, reducing all kinds of radiological risk to the patient or even the radiographer.
NeuroEditor is a software tool for the visualization and edition of morphological tracings that offers manual edition capabilities together with a set of algorithms that can automatically identify potential errors in the tracings.
Neuronize is a software tool for the interoperability between neuronal mesh representation (Imaris) and tracing representation (Neurolucida)
DeepSpineNet is a GUI application for semiautomatic reconstruction of dendritic shafts and spines from microscopy images.