Neuronize V2

Table of Contents


Neuronize v2 is an application focused in interoperability between different ways to represent the neuron morphology, mesh or tracing. Specifically the tool can obtain a tracing file readable by Neurolucida from a VRML file generated by Imaris filament tracing plugin from Imaris.

In addition the tool can generate a neuronal mesh from a tracing file, including spines, and generate a plausible soma from the data included in the input tracing file or from a soma mesh generated by Imaris.





The research leading to these results has received funding from the following entities: The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. HBP604102 (785907 - SGA2, 945539 - SGA3) the Spanish Government under grants C080020-09 (Cajal Blue Brain Project, Spanish partner of the Blue Brain Project initiative from EPFL) ,grant PGC2018-094307-B-I00 and the Cajal Blue Brain Project [the Spanish partner of the Blue Brain Project initiative from L’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland] and TIN2017-83132-C2-1-R (VIANA).


sofia.bayona |at|
ivan.velasco |at|